
~ The place where Littlest Pet Shops come to life! ~
Other Characters
These are some other characters that hang around the studio, and appear on occasion in "Behind the Scenes" or are cast in one of my series.

Sophie Hathaway
She's one of Debby's best friends from school. Sophie was a fellow cast member of "The Big Move" until Selena Pawmez came in and took over for the rest of the series. Nowadays, she navigates the ups and downs of high school and adolescence alongside Debby and Biminy. Sophie is very caring and loves to hang out with the creatures Albert pet-sits. She's also a little ditzy at given times, so she tends to be the main follower of Debby's group.

Biminy Smith
She's another one of Debby's best friends from school. Biminy considers herself to be a textbook nerd, and is proud to be a nerdfighter for life! On set, she's often appeared as a spokespet, or as a minor or supporting character in a short skit. As a living embodiment of logic, Biminy serves as the voice of reason within the trio of Debby's friends.
She's an actress in the studio, and Daisy and Layla's cousin. Destiny grew up immersed in the language and culture of the Internet, social media, and endless memes, and she's often the first to reference viral trends in the studio. Outside of her acting career, she is extremely boy crazy, on a quest to find her significant other; otherwise, she'll play the ultimate matchmaker for the other single ladies and gentlemen in the studio! Bubbly yet eccentric, Destiny's the dachshund to help the studio "keep up with the times."
Destiny Davis

Leo Dachshund

He is Daisy and Layla's father, and Destiny's uncle. Leo's also a hard-working military veteran who served during the twins' childhood. Coming from a lower-middle class meant financial troubles for his family, and Leo's service exponentially paid for their expenses, allowing for Daisy and Layla to live better lives. Unfortunately, despite his efforts, his wife died from a long battle with terminal leukemia on one Christmas Eve while the twins were in high school, and Leo eventually retired three years later to be closer to his daughters. Maintaining his sedulous habits, he loves his girls very much and couldn't be happier to be in their presence just about any day of the week.

Jake Spielburg
He is Justin's off-the-wall nephew. Well-intentioned but extremely hyperactive, Jake's always on the search for fun! ....But more often than not, Justin would be his main target for some bonding time, much to his uncle's chagrin. Despite his preteen age, Jake has always been a kid at heart, often hanging out with pets much younger than him. His spontaneity stems from his desire to grow up like Justin someday, but for now, he's enjoying his juvenile youth while it lasts.
Annie Moreway

She's the twin sister of Maddie, older sister of Taylor, and a lead actress in the studio. As head matriarch of the Moreway household, Annie is quite the taskmaster who keeps her other boisterous sisters in check, so much so to the point where she has become like a mother to them. Productivity aside, she does harbor her obsession with the Super Mario character AND the franchise. If you challenge her to a game of Mario Kart, Annie will be sure to steal the 1st place title.... even on the dreaded Rainbow Road.
She is the little sister of the twins Annie and Maddie. As a young kitten with curiosity, Taylor can get into a large heap of trouble if you leave her bored. She often tags along with Jake, the only other "fellow youth" hanging around the studio, on his quest for fun while on her secondary search for candy. On the flip side, Taylor has her moments when she acts older than her age. Whichever phase she goes through, the one thing that never changes is her good intentions and sisterly love for Annie and Maddie.
Taylor Moreway

Jasmine Davis Roberts
She's the studio's primary director on set. Jasmine has also played a notable role as the lead character Beatrice (Bea) Black from the film "Mistakes". She guides the cast and crew during filming, makes sure the sets and props are arranged properly, and is responsible for leading the filming process in general. Jasmine, along with her co-star and best friend Issac Brown (who played Andy in "Mistakes), is an advocate for mental health awareness, emphasizing the importance of work-life balance and self-care throughout the studio and beyond.
She..... doesn't work at the studio. Molly is, however, the studio's ultimate #1 fan, with an obsessive crush on Justin, desperate to be heard. The pets in the studio refer to her as the "crazy fangirl", as she constantly breaks in and sneaks around restricted areas of the studio. At this point, Molly has charted numerous shortcuts and loopholes on the studio map to the point where even the best security guards are unable to locate her without her making a getaway. You'd better watch out if you happen to work on set — Molly will always be one step ahead of everyone!
Molly Henson