
~ The place where Littlest Pet Shops come to life! ~
How did this all start?
Channel Story
It all started a couple of years back, when I was around eight or nine years old. Before making LPS videos, I made Webkinz videos. I never really posted any Webkinz videos on YouTube, since I used a really old camera, and my parents didn't let me have a YouTube account at the time to protect my privacy. Looking back, I'm glad I never uploaded those videos, because now I think they would be too embarrassing to be YouTube material anyway.
It was just me and my Webkinz for a long time, until, one day, while I was watching videos on YouTube. I noticed that someone made a video using Littlest Pet Shop toys, and it already got over 30,000 views. "How could this be?" I thought, so I clicked on the video, and I saw that the LPS video utilized a more compelling storyline and cut-scenes than most Webkinz videos I'd seen so far. Today, I remember this video as the first spark of inspiration to the videos I made for fun. That video was called Ashley Tistail's Concert Part 1 by ILuvLPS (now LPSEmerald), and it's is still up on her YouTube channel today.
After watching more LPS videos by OG LPSTubers like ILuvLPS, SophieGTV, fantacylandfilms, and so many more, I immediately longed to join the community and began my transition from Webkinz to LPS. I started making raw videos with my first couple of LPS that I received back on my 7th birthday, using that same camera, but I never posted these on YouTube either. But then the time came where I needed new material (AKA new LPS characters to work with). Once I purchased my first couple of LPS after four years, I immediately started collecting like wildfire, and that spark of inspiration became a much larger flame that almost wanted to rise. By then, I decided that it was time for me to start a YouTube channel to get more involved with the small, humble beginnings of the LPSTube community. I begged my parents as much as I could, but they never budged. I knew they were worried that I might face online dangers and risk my own privacy. After months of pleading and rejection, it was at that point that I decided to give up.
Just when it looked like my inspiration was going to burn into ashes, a miracle happened. On November 25th, 2010, the day before I turned twelve years old, my parents finally decided that I was ready for a YouTube channel. And minutes later, puppylover863 was born. There was only one problem: I no longer had a working camera to film with (the old camera I previously used before broke before puppylover863 was set up.) Luckily, around March of 2011, I received my first camera: a Samsung HD camcorder with optical zoom. By May, I uploaded my first two videos (which are now private) that weren't LPS related, but were videos of my dog, Scotty.
Unfortunately, shortly after, I came down with a really bad illness, and I had to miss a week of school. I eventually recovered, but after finishing some important tests in school I unexpectedly had a relapse, and I had to miss school for ANOTHER week. Throughout my recovery, I started making and uploading my first LPS videos for my channel in the living room, but they didn't gain much traction. But that didn't matter to me; I was just glad that my first LPS videos were finally up on YouTube.
Video History
At the start, I typically uploaded short skits which involved different settings, including an LPS hair salon (a popular trend in the early LPSTube community), an LPS hospital, an LPS restaurant, etc. Today, I continue to post random skits to fill the void when I don't have time to post a series video, or to give the viewers something new and refreshing.
After collecting my very first LPS beagle (#1739), it got me thinking that she would be an amazing main character for an LPS series. That being said, in May 2011, I created and debuted my first main series, LPS: The Big Move! The story was loosely based on LPS: Popular by SophieGTV, with themes more geared on friendship and morality for a younger audience. Unfortunately, I got (and still receive) a lot of criticism on The Big Move since people would claim its striking similarity to LPS: Popular. To be fair, Season 1 episodes debuted when I was just twelve years old, and as a beginner, those episodes were some of my first few videos. Seasons 2 and 3 marked a new era for LPS: The Big Move, no longer a carbon copy of LPS: Popular, with the series officially ending in August 2014 to make room for more original series and content.
One day in 2012, I was watching a rerun of the first episode of "Good Luck, Charlie" on Disney Channel. Then I thought,"Why not? I can try to remake that in LPS form." On March 1st, 2012, LPS: Good Luck, Charlie (Study Date: Part 1/2) was up and running, followed by Part 2/2. What I didn't know then was that this video would be my first big hit on YouTube, surpassing 100,000 views in such a short time! It used to be the most popular video on my channel, followed by LPS: Jessie (The Talented Mr. Kipling: Parts 1-3). Currently, the video LPS: Jessie (New York, New Nanny: Part 1/3), uploaded in June 2013, is my 4th most viewed video! Soon I was making LPS versions of multiple Disney Channel sitcoms, and they became some of my most viewed videos on my channel of that time. I eventually stopped this thread of videos in 2014, since, as mentioned before, I shifted my focus towards my newer series and more original content.
Once I reached 1000 subscribers on September 8th, 2012, I made short 3-part series called LPS: The Life of Daisy, where the editor-in-chief dachshund Daisy makes her first appearance. Afterwards, I decided to tell more stories including Daisy and her fellow coworkers, inspired by the LPSTuber fantacylandfilms, and created the ongoing series, LPS: Behind the Scenes, where you get to see what life is like on set if I had my own film studio!
A while later, I stumbled upon a comedy/update series called "LPS: Kandy TV" by LPSlover, and was inspired to create my own random comedy show called "Club LPS", which debuted on November 18th, 2012. Sadly, it only carried up to 9 episodes before I decided to officially cancel the series, due to a lack of inspiration and motivation to continue, following the last episode.
In 2013 one day, I was playing "Mario Kart Double Dash" on the GameCube, and the idea to have my LPS characters make commentary while playing video games suddenly clicked in my head. And thus, the series LPS: Gaming was born! Unfortunately, after a three-year gap of not filming an episode and receiving numerous copyright strikes on the music and video footage, I made the tough decision to cancel LPS: Gaming in 2018, after only 8 episodes.
Shortly after coming up with the plot for the third (and final) season of LPS: The Big Move, I realized that I needed a new series to fill the gap that would be left once "The Big Move" came to a close. To experiment editing with special effects and to express my love of fantasy genres, I came up with the idea for a series called "LPS: Royal Secrets", a story about two girls — one an ordinary high schooler, and another a royal princess — and the events that surface when their paths meet. The series debuted on September 22nd, 2013, and is currently in the middle of its second season.
After canceling Club LPS in 2014, I came up with its successor, LPS: #DareUs, which was based on a segment in Club LPS called "Truth, Dare, or Prank". The original characters of the former series remained the hosts for the latter. This interactive dare show gets the fans involved, commenting dares in each episode for the characters to complete, no matter how painful or embarrassing they would be. The first episode BLEW UP in its first month, receiving over 100,000 views within that month alone, and #DareUs became my hit series! As of today, the series continues to run on my channel with no signs of stopping!