
~ The place where Littlest Pet Shops come to life! ~
Questions Answered!
Video Questions
What video-editing software do you use?
I currently use Final Cut Pro X, which is only available on Mac computers. Some other editors I used in the past are:
-Windows Movie Maker (2010-2012)
-iMovie (2012-2014)

What camera do you use?
I currently use a Sony Handycam (Model: FDR-AX53). Some other cameras I used in the past are:
-Samsung HMX-U20 Camcorder (2011-2012)
-Samsung TL100 (2011-2013)
-JVC Everio GZ-EX515 HD Camcorder (2013-2017)
-Canon Rebel T5i (2015-2016) - occasionally used

What do you get your music & sound effects?
I get most of my music from sites like Incompetech.com and YouTube's Audio Library, and some of my sound effects come from freesound.com. Other music tracks and sound effects actually come with my editing software!
What photo-editing software do you use?
I currently use Photoshop to edit my photos and video thumbnails. Some other editors I've used in the past include:
-FX Photo Studio (only available on Mac computers)

Where do you film your videos?
I currently film in my bedroom, on a large table from Ikea. In the past, I've used a horizontal bookshelf and a toy chest as the ideal flat surfaces for filming at the time.
When is the next video/series episode coming out?
I don't know if I can provide a clear answer to this question. Aside from making videos, my education is one of my biggest priorities, and even outside of school, I'll be busy spending quality time with my family & friends, or just taking a little time off for myself. After all, I'm a human being with normal responsibilities, just like you. :) While you're waiting for me to post new content, you can always browse through videos I've posted in the past that you may have missed. If you wish to learn more about what I'm up to, follow me on social media! (See my "Contacts" page for more!)
LPS Questions
How many LPS do you have?
I currently have about 370 LPS in my collection, including teensies and McDonalds pets! [337 excluding] (As of 08/29/19)
What was your first LPS?
I received a LOT of LPS sets as my first LPS, so it's difficult to narrow them down to just one first LPS. However, two of my first LPS you may recognize are the white Persian Cat (#15) and a collie (#58) — AKA Aunt Harley from LPSlover's "Grave Matters" and Sage Bond from SophieGTV's "Popular", respectively. My very first set was a blue Little Pet Lovin' Playhouse which included 2 pets: a dalmatian and a hamster [which I lost a long time ago :( ]
What is your favorite LPS?
I don't tend to play favorites, but if I had to choose, it would be the LPS Dachshund #1491. (AKA Daisy Dachshund, my channel's mascot!)
When did you start collecting LPS?
For my 7th birthday, I received my first few sets of LPS in 2005, but I didn't start actively collecting until around 2009 or 2010, after I first discovered the humble beginnings of LPSTube videos.
Where do you buy your LPS?
Typically, stores like Target and Walmart are my best bets for the current generations of LPS. For the older retired generations, I usually search on eBay or Amazon.
Do you trade LPS?
No, I do not trade.
About Me Questions
Is your name really Daisy?
No, that's the name of my mascot. For privacy reasons, I'd rather not reveal my real name at this time. However, if you want to call me Daisy, that's totally fine! :)
How old are you?
I am currently 23 years old, born in 1998, and my birthday is on November 26th.
Can you do a face reveal?
Sure! Find out what I look like here:
Do you have any real pets?
Yep! As of 2021, I have a miniature poodle named Scotty, and a cockatiel bird named Lucky. I've made videos with them a few times on my second channel, Pawz4Life, and have posted photos of them on social media. Some other pets I've had but are no longer with us include:
-Snowball, a Japanese Bobtail cat (2004-2017)
-A fish tank full of fish
-No Name, a betta fish (2015-2016)