
~ The place where Littlest Pet Shops come to life! ~
Behind the Scenes
She is second-in-charge of the entire studio and the channel's mascot, so the stress levels are sky-high. Being a compulsive busy bee, Daisy makes sure that no papers are left unwritten, no files left unorganized, and so on. When she isn't working, Daisy's fun side roams free, obsessing over several fandoms and hanging out with her friends. She's lucky to have a partner who helps make her tenacious tasks more bearable.

Daisy Dachshund
The Editor & Screenwriter
What if I had my own film studio? Who would be my crew members? The ongoing series "Behind the Scenes" follows an array of pets who work for my YouTube channel, and gives you an idea of what life would be like on set, sometimes outside of work.
Justin Spielburg

He is Daisy's foil and happy-go-lucky partner. Unlike her workaholic habits, Justin keeps a leveled head, cool under pressure, and overall very easygoing. However, his laid-back personality comes at the cost of remaining organized, and he can have his ditzy moments at times. Luckily, Justin has his partner to balance out his outgoing nature with her orderly nature. At the end of the day, he's a great dane with good intentions who just wants to have fun!
The Assistant Editor & Screenwriter
Cadence Carruthers

The Prop Designer
She's a take-charge cat who means no monkey business. Her creativity with designing the sets and props are what make her shine at the studio. Cadence may tend to be a complainer, but she's willing to take chances in even the toughest situations. Her beautiful singing voice is rivaled by Starlight Spaniel, but luckily Cadence's love for design and getting her paws dirty overpowers her jealousy, while still making a big contribution to her fellow crew members.
Josh Craig

He's the outgoing collie partner and foil to Cadence. Josh strives on diligence at work, but at the end of a long day he just wants to hang out with his best guy buds. He has a giant crush on Ashley, and sadly his attempts to woo her over have yet to succeed. In his spare time, Josh loves to collect new hats and sunglasses to add to his collection of "swag". (Partly because he's trying to impress Ashley with his clothes.)
The Assistant Prop Designer
Layla "Hayes" Dachshund

She is the fraternal twin sister of Daisy and is a fellow cast member on Club LPS, and its current successor, #DareUs. Compared to her twin, Layla is adventurous and has an extreme level of tolerance, which comes in handy when she's forced to perform humiliating and painful antics on the dare show. As a result, she often puts on a tough persona to compensate for her shortcomings. But deep down, she has a soft side and is willing to lend a paw to her loved ones, especially Daisy.
Actress & Hostess
Phineas Lockwood

Actor & Host
He is a fellow cast member on Club LPS, later #DareUs, and Justin's best friend. Phineas is very reserved, self-conscious about how he acts in public. Thus, he often acts like a tough cool dude, refers to himself as a "ladies' man," and addresses his guy friends with the word "dude." Despite his rough exterior, Phineas has a soft spot for his colleague Layla, and harbors his obsession with the classic Pac-Man games.
Dina Grand

The Secretary
She's the first pet who greets colleagues and guests that walk into the studio. Her job involves scheduling appointments, organizing company events, and overall serves as an informant to guide the pets who walk in or have questions. Dina relishes on consistency, but her attempts are often thwarted by her annoying younger sister Debby — then again, her sibling experiences incite her words of advice for the other staff members....
Debby Grand

The Secretary's Sister
She.... doesn't actually work at the studio. For the third season of "The Big Move," Debby played the role of Savannah Pettison until the series ended, whereupon she only serves as an occasional minor actress. She can be very mischievous, with a tendency to have extreme sugar rushes from eating a lot of sweets, much to Dina's annoyance. You'll often find her hanging out with her two best beagle friends, Biminy and Sophie, as they navigate through the quirks of high school and adolescence. Debby often looks up to Dina for advice, though the two seem to hold multiple grudges as a result of their sibling rivalry.
Starlight Spaniel

The Costume Designer
She's Daisy's best friend since elementary school, and the one responsible for designing the studio's gorgeous outfits. Aside from sewing, she harbors an extraordinary singing talent that is not left unrecognized by her fellow staff members. Starlight is a huge social butterfly, and has often been the one encouraging Daisy to step out of her shell to try new things. Sadly, despite her good intentions, she remains oblivious of Cadence's desire to sing alongside her....
She helps design the studio's outfits when Starlight's overworked. Maddie is a twin sister for Annie, with a much younger sister named Taylor. Unlike her lookalike Brooke Hayes from LPS: Popular, she cares about her loved ones and enjoys performing random acts of kindness. However, Maddie exercises a taste of fashion to a point when she overvalues her image during her Saturday shopping sprees. Also an aspiring actress, she currently plays the main role of Fern Berkeley on LPS: Royal Secrets.
The Assistant Costume Designer

Maddie Moreway
He's in charge of taming the wild creatures that come on set for a video shoot, otherwise he'll be pet-sitting the cast and crew's pets at his place. Albert's favorite creature in particular is none other than his pet lizard, Fred. He is known to be one of the quietest crew members in the studio, but his coworker Tilly helps him come out of his shell and be more socially interactive. Albert has romantic feelings for Tilly, so you'll often see the two in the same place after work.

The Animal Caretaker
Albert Todd
He and Albert have been companions 'til the end (or rather the present) since he first hatched. Despite possessing the form and size of a typical LPS lizard, Fred acts like a wild animal, always hissing with no means of communicating verbally. (Funny, considering he hatched as the runt of the litter.) Newcomers in the studio will have to watch out, as the world is huge for a young lizard, so you never know what kind of havoc Fred will wreak upon this time!
Albert's Best Lizard Friend

The Prep Team
Together, they all work to prepare the cast members before they go live on camera! Gail is the leader of the team who organizes and plans how and when the team readies their clients. She desperately seeks a love life, but so far her attempts have proven slim chances. Twitter is the chirpy, gossipy clothing stylist responsible for outfitting and tailoring the cast members. Tilly is the hairstylist making sure no strand of fur or feathers are left out of place, who also has a soft spot for her friend, Albert.

The Doctor
She's the crazy-smart PhD physician guaranteed to heal any sick or injured pet in just a day or two. For cast members who have to rehearse almost every day and have occasional last-minute mandatory video shoots, Ashley is their go-to cocker spaniel! She and Dina were roommates and fast friends in college, which is how the latter got her stellar reference for the secretary position. Although Ashley loves to help any pet in need, she despises Josh's attention and will ignore him at all costs. (Unless he's in a real emergency.)
Gail, Twitter, and Tilly
Ashley Hamilton
Roger Williams

The Manager
He's the fulcrum for the company's seesaw of balance. (In other words, he maintains order in the studio and gives out the necessary orders.) Despite his wrinkly permanence and privileged position in the studio, he often lets Daisy take over if things get chaotic with the cast and crew. Roger's always on business trips meeting with other managers and higher-ups from various companies, so we don't get to see him too much in the studio. Usually, you can easily find him happily eating hot dogs in the studio's break room.