
~ The place where Littlest Pet Shops come to life! ~
2022 Winners
Type of Award:
(in alphabetical order)
Top Favorite LPSTuber
ccrtelevision (WINNER!)
piaslittlecustoms (3rd PLACE!)
Sugar Diamond (2nd PLACE!)
Favorite LPSTuber
Blue Jay
HelloStudios (WINNER!)
Lps Savvytv
MemeStars™ (2nd PLACE!)
Seaside LPS (3rd PLACE!)
Snowy's Pet Shop
ccrtelevision (WINNER!)
HelloStudios (3rd PLACE!)
LPSsplashTV (2nd PLACE!)
Sugar Diamond
LPSTuber w/Best Designs
LPSFestivalFilms (3rd PLACE!)
Lps Honey (WINNER!)
Mr. CRAZY Ray (2nd PLACE!)
Sugar Diamond
ccrtelevision (3rd PLACE)
HelloStudios (WINNER!)
Lps Honey (2nd PLACE)
Sugar Diamond
Best International LPSTuber
Amie lps XD
JayJay LPS
Lps Honey (WINNER!)
LPSsplashTV (3rd PLACE!)
OblivionLPS (2nd PLACE)
Favorite Rising LPSTuber
Cuddly Bunny LPS
| Ivy Lps Studios | (2nd PLACE!)
LilyLPS (3rd PLACE)
Sweetlpstv (WINNER!)
Most Creative LPSTuber
Funniest LPSTuber
Best LPS TikToker
Cryptic - @king_cryptic
Cuddly Bunny LPS - @lps_angel_bunny
HelloStudios - @hellostudioswhimsies (2nd PLACE!)
LPSFestivalFilms - @lpsfestivalfilms
MemeStars™ - @memestars1000 (WINNER!)
SNAG XO - @snag.xo
Sugar Diamond - @sugardiamond.lps (3rd PLACE
arum - @lpsarum (2nd PLACE)
𝕯emonkitty☾ - @demonkitty
HelloStudios - @_hellostudios_ (WINNER!)
LilyLPS - @thelilylps
Lps Honey - @lpshoneyofficial
Sugar Diamond - @sugardiamond.lps
Sweetlpstv - @sweetlpstvofficial (3rd PLACE)
Autumn - Lps Savvytv
Beth - HelloStudios (2nd PLACE!)
CC - ccrtelevision (WINNER!)
George - LPSsplashTV
Maddie - Lps Honey
Misty - Sugar Diamond (3rd PLACE!)
Sweet - Sweetlpstv
Favorite LPS Mascot-Personality
Beth from "Extraordinary Magic" — HelloStudios (WINNER!)
Katelyn from "Last Lives" — Thealpstv
Phoebe from "First Comes Love" — ccrtelevision (2nd PLACE)
Sydney from "Copycat" — OakStarLPS
Victoria from "Half-Hearted" — Sugar Diamond
Victoria Middleton from "Paws & Claws" — Sweetlpstv
Zoey Monroe from "Love is Blind" — MemeStars™ (3rd PLACE!)
Barry Allen from "Legend of Heatwave" — Strongwater Studios
Chase Greyson from "Last Lives" — Thealpstv
Cody Channel from "Half-Hearted" — Sugar Diamond (2nd PLACE!)
Damien Vincent from "LoveKnot" — Ollielpstv
Optic from "Soulbound" — HelloStudios (WINNER!)
Rider Summers from "High School Never Ends" — BrownSugarStudios
Sebastian Miracle from "Small Change, Big Difference" — LpsRainbowTV (3rd PLACE!)
Best LPS Actress
Best LPS Actor
Best LPS Photographer
Best LPS Hero/
Bambi from "Thorns & Roses" — Sweetlpstv (2nd PLACE!)
Chester from "Super Zeros" — LpsAlightpaws
Elliot from "Twisted Hearts" — LPS Chae Studios
Iris from "Back To The Basics" — Sugar Diamond (3rd PLACE!)
Michelle from "Copycat" — OakStarLPS
Mr. 'Bighead' Dempsey from "Zoom Call" — ccrtelevision (WINNER!)
Phillip Winters — LpsEchoOfficial
Chester from "Super Zeros" — LpsAlightpaws
Cody Harris from "Half-Hearted" — Sugar Diamond
Dakota Edwards — Cuddly Bunny LPS
Evelyn from "The Orphan" — Lps Honey (2nd PLACE!)
Luna from "Last Lives" — Thealpstv
Phoebe from "First Comes Love" — ccrtelevision (3rd PLACE!)
Vy from "Soulbound" — HelloStudios (WINNER!)
Best Diverse LPS Character
Best LPS Villain/
Autumn from "Last Lives" — Thealpstv (2nd PLACE)
Connor Roberts from "Stockholm" — OblivionLPS
Eclipse from "The Legend of Heatwave" — StrongWater Studios
Kyra from "Copycat" — OakStarLPS
Michael from "The Orphan" — Lps Honey
Ragnor from "Soulbound" — HelloStudios (WINNER!)
Scarlett Anderson from "Paws and Claws" — Sweetlpstv (3rd PLACE)
Favorite LPS Couple to Ship
Bambi Hill & Paisley Diaz from "Thorns & Roses" — Sweetlpstv (WINNER!)
Chase Greyson & Everleigh Dawn from "High Society" — Thealpstv
Cody Harris & Victoria Woods from "Half-Hearted" — Sugar Diamond (2nd PLACE!)
Connie & Erin from "High School Never Ends" — BrownSugarStudios
Dash Erickson & Zoey Monroe from "Love Is Blind" — MemeStars™ (TIED - 3rd PLACE!)
Killian & Natalie from "Small Change, Big Difference" — LpsRainbowTV
Michelle & Sydney from "Copycat" — OakStarLPS (TIED - 3rd PLACE!)
Dramatic LPS Series
"Copycat" — OakStarLPS
"Extraordinary Magic" — HelloStudios (WINNER!)
"Half-Hearted" — Sugar Diamond (2nd PLACE!)
"High Society" — Thealpstv
"Love Is Blind" — MemeStars™
"Small Change, Big Difference" — LpsRainbowTV
"The Orphan" — Lps Honey (3rd PLACE)
LPS Comedy Series
"Back to the Basics" — Sugar Diamond (3rd PLACE!)
"Hipsters at Starbucks" — LPSsplashTV
"Last Lives" — Thealpstv
"Legend of the Lighthouse" — LpsFestivalFilms
"Paws & Claws" — Sweetlpstv (2nd PLACE!)
"The Orphan" — Lps Honey (WINNER!)
Former LPS Series
"HIGH SCHOOL NEVER ENDS" — BrownSugarStudios (3rd PLACE!)
"Hipsters at Starbucks" — LPSsplashTV (2nd PLACE!)
"living with brothers" — Lps.demon. productions
"Small Change, Big Difference" — LpsRainbowTV
"The Studio" — Sugar Diamond (WINNER!)
Best LPS Music Video
"Brutal" — OakStarLPS
"Brutal" — OblivionLPS
"good 4 u" — Snowy's Pet Shop (3rd PLACE!)
"Heather" — Lps Diamond Eyes (2nd PLACE!)
"Hiding in the Blue" — LPSFestivalFilms
"Little Miss Perfect (Pride Month Special)" — Lps Mushrooms (WINNER!)
"traitor" — Sugar Diamond
Best LPS Collab Video
"Addicted to YouTube!" — Alena (ft. PawesomeTV) (3rd PLACE!)
"Dumb Blond (MEP)" — LittlestNeonStudios
"Hot N Cold" — Sweetlpstv (ft. OblivionLPS)
"Say So" — Chloe Harp (ft. Cuddly Bunny LPS, OllieLPS13, Lps Echo Official, Zero, and Lps Demon Productions)
"Solo" — OblivionLPS (ft. Lps So Perfesh) (2nd PLACE!)
"What LPS Means to Me (100+ LPSTuber Mega Collab)" — ccrtelevision (WINNER!)
Best LPS Film
"At First Sight" — Lps SpamXxX
"Harry Godfather" — LPSFestivalFilms
"Less Is More" — ethereallps
"Long Distance" — ccrtelevision (3rd PLACE!)
"Miss Popular" — Sugar Diamond (WINNER!)
"Scars" — Lps Honey
"Upscale" — Thealpstv (2nd PLACE!)
Best LPS Short Skit
"Café Cliche" — LPSFestivalFilms
"Day at the Drive-Thru" — ccrtelevision (3rd PLACE!)
"Drop of Color" — HelloStudios (2nd PLACE!)
"Famous" — | Ivy Lps Studios |
"If LPS Popular Was A Musical" — Lps Honey (WINNER!)
"Stand Out" — Sugar Diamond
"The Nightowl and the Early Bird" — LPS Louise